Frequently asked questions and answers about "Surgeries"
Acute disc prolapses are - more often than not - triggered by abrupt movements or by lifting heavy objects. However, the primary cause is usually age-related wear and tear, or a hereditary weakness of the intervertebral disc tissue. The intervertebral disc consists of a soft elastic ring acting as a cushion between the individual vertebrae. In cases of acute disc prolapse, the disc bulges back and thereby causes a painful stimulus on the surrounding nerve roots. If it is impossible to obtain relief by way of conservative, i.e. non-surgical therapy (e.g. physiotherapy or pharmacotherapy), contemporary surgical techniques are available to relieve the pressure on the nerve roots.
- Intervertebral Disc Operations
- Microscopic Intervertebral Disc Operations
- Endoscopic Intervertebral Disc Operations
- Intervertebral Disc Replacement Therapy
- Autologous Tissue Transplants
- Prosthetics
- Microscopic Nerve Decompression
- Minimal-invasive Fusion